So you want to become a POINT........... It's really easy, fun and, inexpensive! As a POINT, you can; 1. Send and Receive mail packets without ever logging onto the BBS. 2. Send and Receive mail from user's Worldwide. 3. Request FILES while reading theu the messages. 4. Schedule your MAIL RUNS at night, when the rates are lower. 5. Participate in most Worldwide NETWORKS. 6. Have your own INTERNET E-MAIL Address, off this system There are several packages available for POINTS. Obviously, we recommend TERMINATE as a complete communications package that includes; Terminal program, Point System, FIDO/QWK Reader, Send/Receive FAX, plus a lot more. If you don't have TERMINATE, download 400TER.ZIP. Another good POINT package is PROFESSIONAL POINT. It is easy to setup and use however, is limited to the POINT System only. If you are looking for an easy to setup & use Point Software package, this is it. Download POINT200.ZIP for the current version or, POINT20B.ZIP for the current version that includes the BinkleyTerm mailer (required for PPOINT to operate) Other software available for POINTS includes; FrontDoor, InterMail, BinkleyTerm, D'Bridge, CPoint, etc., all of which are available from this system, in either the POINT SOFTWARE or FRONT END MAILER directories. We encourage POINTS however, we have a few rules we INSIST be followed. 1. Only fully functional software (Commercial/Shareware/Freeware) is to be used. NO "HACKED" SOFTWARE will be permitted. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule! 2. If using Shareware software, it MUST be registered before the end of the evaluation period. We support the Shareware concept. 3. All FTSC (Fido Technical Standards) must be followed. 4. Moderator's rules for each echo (conference) must be followed ie: a. No foul or offensive language permitted. b. Messages must remain ON TOPIC c. No FLAMMING of other user's 5. You MUST setup a conference called 2250/24_POINTS in whatever software package you use. This echo is for communications between us and all user's of this system without going thru any of the networks we participate in. THIS IS REQUIRED! All new files received by our system will also be announced in this echo and, will be available for FREQ (File Request). 6. If you decide to stop as a POINT, you MUST dis-connect from all the echo's you were receiving, via AREAFIX. If you don't have a current FIDOnet Nodelist of listing of available echo's, you can FREQ or download the files NODELIST.ZIP and BACKBONE.NA which are updated weekly. POINTS are permitted to participate in *most* of the networks our system belongs to ie; FIDOnet, TOADnet, SEEKnet and RACEnet. FIDOnet: The second largest worldwide network (next to the Internet) with over 32,000 systems around the world. Over 100 different topics (Echo's) to choose from. The file BACKBONE.NA lists the current echo's available and FILEBONE.NA lists the available File Distribution Echo's available. TOADnet: A smaller network comprised of approximately 400 systems across the U.S., Canada and Europe. TOADnet is the reincarnation of the older TOADnet that originated in St. Louis, MO. Now based in Texas, TOADnet offers users a variety of topics including software support for several communications related programs including Terminate, Allfix, Gecho, etc. TOADNET.NA lists the available echo's and TOADBONE.NA lists the available File Distribution Echo's. Our system is the International HeadQuarters for the TFN File Distribution Network. SEEKnet: A family oriented network consisting of approximately 500 systems in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Panama, and parts of Europe. Many different echo's to choose from including, Parenting, Genealogy, Cooking, Home Improvement, Business, etc. The file SEEKNET.NA lists the available echo's. RACEnet: If you are a Auto Racing fan, this one's for you! All Racing, of all types ie: NASCAR, Indy Cars, Sprint Cars, IMSA, Formula 1, Drag Racing, Motorcycle, Boat, Offshore Racing, etc., plus "up to date" weather forcasts for the most important Racing venues so you will know what kind of weather to expect for the races you plan to attend. Also includes US News and Washington, D.C. happenings. The file RACENET.NA lists the available echo's. At the present time, we do NOT have a charge for anyone Pointing off our system however, should our network costs increase dramatically, then all Points will be expected to share in the increased cost. Having said that, there is no indication of the network costs increasing in the near future. Join the growing number of people participating in the various worldwide networks. The number and type of networks our system participates in is determined by our user's. If enough user's request a specific network AND that network offers topics not available via the networks we already carry, we will attempt to pull that network in as well. If you are interested in becomming a POINT off this system, download the file POINT.ZIP (Point application), complete it, following all the directions it contains, and upload it back to this system. Upon receipt of the properly completed application, your Point Node address will then be assigned. Have fun and, enjoy. Dave Davidson A POINTLESS CONNECTION Collinsville, IL. (618) 345-3663 FIDO 1:2250/24